......CVBCOD. Cybernetic VoiceBox Cutoff Disease.
Thats right. A new mutant strain, coined by evolution, increasingly fatally ANNOYING syndromes, and increasingly unusual ability to adapt to all sorts of climates. Its gonna be a pandemic if the creator won't sweep it clean.
No wonder I've never posted for an seriously long time. I assure you, theres really no time to post nowadays when the SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS are real imminent....!
Tomorrow is Be Yourself Day 2008. What a funny name. Basically you get to wear all sorts of unimaginable crap to school, be it funny or bling-blingy. Too bad I won't be participating....What, you want me to wear a chainmail, gloves(toilet paper rolled around my hand with a cardboard "plate" to add more touch to it), silver banana mallet, heavily decorated tail and a monkey mask? With a ghostly STEALTH CAMOUFLAGE!?
No thanks. Bye!
P.S.Awesome!257 views!
~The Unreal Creator.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
My favourite characters...in anime.
Title says all....heres the list;
1.Allen Walker(Main protagonist of D.Gray-Man)
His anti-Akuma weapon in the beginning is SICK. I mean the "gun" phase.
An arm mounted minigun that fires 95cm glowing bullets. Stick five of those bullets in your head and it will incinerate and bleed. OMG. Also, his cursed eye when his Innocence is activated. Its like, so awesome.
Even better is the later phase of his weapon, is the Crown Clown.(Sounds funny? See the pic on Google.)
One black, tattooed hand with like so damn SWEET talons you see on eagles as fingers, and hard as steel. And another one is the gigantic sword he has with the Noah sign on it(Looks like a bastard;I mean the blunt sword, not the vulgarity.). Frickin' w00t for that.( No wonder Road Kamelot has a crush on him.:P)
2.The Hollow side of Ichigo(Bleach)
He's a freakin' berserker with killing instinct(Hes insane, INsane and INSANE!). He knows nothing save one word, and that is kill. He doesn't care about injuries; he never gets them at all. In the 82nd episode, he could use a 5kg sword with one hand, stab one iron spider without her noticing at all, drag her like 2KM, then cut her body into half. Bet you couldn't do that.
*The 5KG sword is called Zangetsu; a huge cleaver.
3.Lavi(one of Allen's allies in D.Gray-Man)
A redhair full of fire in his head, from his Fire Seal.
What I really like is his (omg.)STEEL MALLET that can GROW, GROW AND GROW and SMACKDOWN! then your a bloody Pancake.
It never feels heavy to him even at its maximum size(Take it as twice your size and it weighs nearly as much as a tonne)cause' it doesn't impair his ability to handle it. BTW: Who doesn't like a big hammer to solve your every problem?
More coming soon.
1.Allen Walker(Main protagonist of D.Gray-Man)
His anti-Akuma weapon in the beginning is SICK. I mean the "gun" phase.
An arm mounted minigun that fires 95cm glowing bullets. Stick five of those bullets in your head and it will incinerate and bleed. OMG. Also, his cursed eye when his Innocence is activated. Its like, so awesome.
Even better is the later phase of his weapon, is the Crown Clown.(Sounds funny? See the pic on Google.)
One black, tattooed hand with like so damn SWEET talons you see on eagles as fingers, and hard as steel. And another one is the gigantic sword he has with the Noah sign on it(Looks like a bastard;I mean the blunt sword, not the vulgarity.). Frickin' w00t for that.( No wonder Road Kamelot has a crush on him.:P)
2.The Hollow side of Ichigo(Bleach)
He's a freakin' berserker with killing instinct(Hes insane, INsane and INSANE!). He knows nothing save one word, and that is kill. He doesn't care about injuries; he never gets them at all. In the 82nd episode, he could use a 5kg sword with one hand, stab one iron spider without her noticing at all, drag her like 2KM, then cut her body into half. Bet you couldn't do that.
*The 5KG sword is called Zangetsu; a huge cleaver.
3.Lavi(one of Allen's allies in D.Gray-Man)
A redhair full of fire in his head, from his Fire Seal.
What I really like is his (omg.)STEEL MALLET that can GROW, GROW AND GROW and SMACKDOWN! then your a bloody Pancake.
It never feels heavy to him even at its maximum size(Take it as twice your size and it weighs nearly as much as a tonne)cause' it doesn't impair his ability to handle it. BTW: Who doesn't like a big hammer to solve your every problem?
More coming soon.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Metal Gear Solid 4....a review on it? =D
Read the title.
OK, so lets see the scores(if I were a judge)...
Music Composition:10/10
Story:10/10 for sure
Comparison with the previous MGS games:9/10
Its a plain awesome game.=D
It has awesome story, balanced difficulty, great interactivity, wowzers action and never-repetitive gameplay. One very very very minor problem lies within the comparison of MGS3 and MGS4, in terms of their bosses. I agree with what some of the guys stated in Wikipedia; the Beauty and the Beast Unit compares quite poorly to the Cobra Unit in MGS3. Why? Go play these two games and find out.
But IMO, one excellent achievement about this game is that it is really realistic. Weapons like AK102(compared to the modern AK-47 now) are realistic as they are in the future. A little unrealistic but omg awesome weapon is the Railgun used by Crying Wolf(one of the people in B&B Corps.)
So, if you have a PS3(or planning to get one), I recommend you buy this game. You'll definitely never regret it. =)
OK, so lets see the scores(if I were a judge)...
Music Composition:10/10
Story:10/10 for sure
Comparison with the previous MGS games:9/10
Its a plain awesome game.=D
It has awesome story, balanced difficulty, great interactivity, wowzers action and never-repetitive gameplay. One very very very minor problem lies within the comparison of MGS3 and MGS4, in terms of their bosses. I agree with what some of the guys stated in Wikipedia; the Beauty and the Beast Unit compares quite poorly to the Cobra Unit in MGS3. Why? Go play these two games and find out.
But IMO, one excellent achievement about this game is that it is really realistic. Weapons like AK102(compared to the modern AK-47 now) are realistic as they are in the future. A little unrealistic but omg awesome weapon is the Railgun used by Crying Wolf(one of the people in B&B Corps.)
So, if you have a PS3(or planning to get one), I recommend you buy this game. You'll definitely never regret it. =)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
A beast, with blue dots and feathers? Wow.

Umm...yeah. Hehe. The picture on the right -------------------------------------------->
Its the Spore Incarnate(a Spore Figure) of a spiritual, hardworking warden. You know who, right? Right?
The ECSOD. Eternal Chocolate Spirit of Doom.
Surprised? Hmmm....You would have expected a picture of a living thing in white clothing, right? 'Fraid you're wrong. No lanterns for you and for him.
Two side notes:
1.He bites really well. Bet he could chew you into nothing but chewy bits of flesh and bones. CHEW!
2.Hes impulsive. So you better watch your back if you piss him off. And front too. No, make it all four directions.
~Mogee the Platinum God
~The Unreal Creator
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The impending countdown of exams that really chills your spine wobbly. Note: this is a definition post.
Oh no....its only like two or three weeks time to exams. Stress. Fatigue. Paranoia. Worry!
Oh my GOD. (actually thats the reason why I didn't post for quite a long time, so its not CVBCOD.)
This is one exam session you don't really wanna mess with. Say that nine times for my PSLE next year.
And this is real, not UNREAL. 'Cause it takes place in the Reality Plane....(Read this if you want to know about the complex language in this plane.)
Reality Plane is the center continum major portal block that connects all minor planes of the universe like this to it. The further the minor planes drift away from the Reality Block, all the more they feel...unreal. As we are part of reality ourselves, we tap into the RP to take the form of purely real lifeforms commonly referred to as "mortal". Synthesised planes like this one of mine make the creator a "god" within its radius, granted control of every single piece of data within it like codes, posts and all those stuff. However, in this period of time, the "god" is in the unreal state.
And also if you do not know what a Black Flux Time Block is(see the bottom of this page), its what we reality lifeforms call the "date". It fluxifies time, numbers are put on the time block which is blackened to enhance the time accuracy.
Also, an eden is often, in the unreal network, "a link to all other planes and other innovative things but retaining its unreal state" that is, 95% of the time seen in this type of plane.
.....Thats it. Thanks to listening to all those rant. So you basically should have gotten what i meant on black flux time block and stuff like that.
P.S. Watch out for a cookie obsessed bear maniac in one of the unreal links in my eden. Her name as most people call, is Gladys.
EDIT:Just read the first and the paragraph above this sentence if you simply want to cut to the chase.
~ The Unreal Creator
(Mogee won't be posting for a while, hes sick. And mortally wounded. Don't ask me why.)
Oh my GOD. (actually thats the reason why I didn't post for quite a long time, so its not CVBCOD.)
This is one exam session you don't really wanna mess with. Say that nine times for my PSLE next year.
And this is real, not UNREAL. 'Cause it takes place in the Reality Plane....(Read this if you want to know about the complex language in this plane.)
Reality Plane is the center continum major portal block that connects all minor planes of the universe like this to it. The further the minor planes drift away from the Reality Block, all the more they feel...unreal. As we are part of reality ourselves, we tap into the RP to take the form of purely real lifeforms commonly referred to as "mortal". Synthesised planes like this one of mine make the creator a "god" within its radius, granted control of every single piece of data within it like codes, posts and all those stuff. However, in this period of time, the "god" is in the unreal state.
And also if you do not know what a Black Flux Time Block is(see the bottom of this page), its what we reality lifeforms call the "date". It fluxifies time, numbers are put on the time block which is blackened to enhance the time accuracy.
Also, an eden is often, in the unreal network, "a link to all other planes and other innovative things but retaining its unreal state" that is, 95% of the time seen in this type of plane.
.....Thats it. Thanks to listening to all those rant. So you basically should have gotten what i meant on black flux time block and stuff like that.
P.S. Watch out for a cookie obsessed bear maniac in one of the unreal links in my eden. Her name as most people call, is Gladys.
EDIT:Just read the first and the paragraph above this sentence if you simply want to cut to the chase.
~ The Unreal Creator
(Mogee won't be posting for a while, hes sick. And mortally wounded. Don't ask me why.)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Behold the samurai with a chair helmet. Hehe.

This is the picture of the GCS!(pun intended)
He's particularly in a bad mood today and broke his katana into two. So if you see this guy, you better watch out. Cos' your gonna die if you stare right into his eyes.
And yes, he studies in Si Ling Primary School and slacks off all day. So, if you meet him, do not ever piss him off. He'll dice you up, julienne style. And then throw you into the oven. Then put your ashes onto a catapult and launch them into the endless sky. Then you die.
~Eternal Chocolatey Spirit Of Doom, Banana God Mogee.
One last note for this day: The Greenchair Child Samurai.

Read the title.
So, who is this Greenchair Child Samurai? Well...it is my (inferior)doppelgangers self-given name. He wields the Permafrost Katana(image above), a very EVIL weapon in the hands of one EVIL guy.Wheres his picture, you say? I'll post it on the next post.
Hear from me again,
~The Unreal Creator.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Eh. I should be happy. Really happy.
I'm really glad to know that this blog of mine has received 110 Visits! Thank you for actually visiting this place and listening to all my (preposterous)words! Honestly I only expected it to have only 10 views or something. =D
Bonus: Mogee is a Platinum Banana God, right? Well, my class is the Unreal Samurai.
And also, a new guy will be posting from now on(with his ghostly fingers o.O)! Know who that is?.....
..Its the eternal chocolatey spirit of doom! You have heard of 'em before,right? I will post his stats from now on...as a fully-fledged Spiritual Warden.
Again, thanks a lot out there!
~Creator of this blog!
Bonus: Mogee is a Platinum Banana God, right? Well, my class is the Unreal Samurai.
And also, a new guy will be posting from now on(with his ghostly fingers o.O)! Know who that is?.....
..Its the eternal chocolatey spirit of doom! You have heard of 'em before,right? I will post his stats from now on...as a fully-fledged Spiritual Warden.
Again, thanks a lot out there!
~Creator of this blog!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Darn it.
Man, there were a few viewers who wanted me to reveal MORE about Worms:Forts Under Siege. Well, expect me to spoil it for you. If you do not want that to happen, then Please DO NOT READ THIS POST.
You've been warned.~Mogee the Banana God
So, in Worms, there are many types of eras. Who cares about that anyways.
You have 4 main buildings at your disposal, the most basic of which is the Tower. Its easy to destroy, can be deployed almost anywhere except water, and you don't need any Victory Locations(Some areas have stars on top of them...build something on them and voila you capture a Victory Location.) to build it. How do you fire those weapons..? You jump on top of the towers flat roof and fire weapons from there(Though, there are some weapons you can use on your own like the 50 Stone Canary). The weapons you can deploy on the tower are only:
Next on is the Keep. With 2.5 times as much HP than the tower, its MUCH better and you can deploy EVEN more weapons on the Keep. All of them are as follows:
Minigun,Chilli Con Carnage,Mortar,Ballista,Cluster Launcher, Small Catapult,Homing Pigeon,Rhino,Old Woman, All God Powers except Armageddon, Mine Strike, Air Strike
Thats a lot, eh? Just a sad thing that I WILL not reveal anymore. Guess you should know a lot already. Bye!
~Doomilliciously mysterious person
You've been warned.~Mogee the Banana God
So, in Worms, there are many types of eras. Who cares about that anyways.
You have 4 main buildings at your disposal, the most basic of which is the Tower. Its easy to destroy, can be deployed almost anywhere except water, and you don't need any Victory Locations(Some areas have stars on top of them...build something on them and voila you capture a Victory Location.) to build it. How do you fire those weapons..? You jump on top of the towers flat roof and fire weapons from there(Though, there are some weapons you can use on your own like the 50 Stone Canary). The weapons you can deploy on the tower are only:
Next on is the Keep. With 2.5 times as much HP than the tower, its MUCH better and you can deploy EVEN more weapons on the Keep. All of them are as follows:
Minigun,Chilli Con Carnage,Mortar,Ballista,Cluster Launcher, Small Catapult,Homing Pigeon,Rhino,Old Woman, All God Powers except Armageddon, Mine Strike, Air Strike
Thats a lot, eh? Just a sad thing that I WILL not reveal anymore. Guess you should know a lot already. Bye!
~Doomilliciously mysterious person
The fourth anniversary of the terrible 9/11...
Okay....to all those out there, this obviously is talking about 9/11. Its a terrible accident and lots of people were brutally killed in this. I sincerely hope that blessings may befall your wronged souls.
Doomilliciously mysterious person~
Doomilliciously mysterious person~

<---(This is the Way of the Hammer of Hades)Sorry viewers....never updated my blog recently 'cause I really had nothing to write about. Nothing unique or special happened these days! =(
Only one thing, that is. Mogee leveled UP at such a fast rate secretly, he's turned into the Platinum Banana God(With the addition of an iron fist!)! Lets take a peek at his stats. =)
BSP:958(When you are a god, you see ALL THE BANANAS IN THE WORLD!)
NN:14(No god should be naughty.)
DMG:400 to 1008 Fragrant Excalibur Of Banana Might
Fear the ultimate god, Mogee.
Right now, I'm practising The Way Of The Hammer Of Godly Chaos, a method which is slightly more VIOLENT than the Hades way.And I'm practising it happily on the holed table right beside me..The picture is above.
Bye guys. Who knows I'll have CVBCOD again.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Tomorrow is the beginning of the school days...
I'm quite excited about that.=D
BTW today was another AWESOME day.
I went for a drawing competition....It was hot, frickin' stuffy like a pasar malam 'cause of the lots of contestants sitting down on the floor (From one end of a shopping mall to another).
The topic was (Save our Environment.)
Crap man, I was racking my brains to think about what I should draw(I'm the only person goin' for this...=( But there is another one taking part in a CALLIGRAPHY competition.
Fan Laoshi(the teacher-in-charge =D) took photos of my progress. My work unlike most others, was shaded, not coloured and it turned out a neat piece of work.(I wish that I could upload the damn pictures here, but dang my phone doesn't have a cable.)
But I didnt win anything. But I was satisfied. I came for pleasure, not for the prize right?
The only thing I wasn't very happy about was that I could NOT claim my work back. Zzzz.....Right as I'm typing this now, I'm eating Del Monte Cranberries and previously a golden banana.
It turned out the teacher-in-charge played Worms! And he heard about Spore(the game),too. And many others =D
He knows about the classic weapon known as the HHG(Holy Hand Grenade) in Worms. Thats all.
I have to SMS him my blog address(cause he wants to see it.). Better be hush about it =)
BTW today was another AWESOME day.
I went for a drawing competition....It was hot, frickin' stuffy like a pasar malam 'cause of the lots of contestants sitting down on the floor (From one end of a shopping mall to another).
The topic was (Save our Environment.)
Crap man, I was racking my brains to think about what I should draw(I'm the only person goin' for this...=( But there is another one taking part in a CALLIGRAPHY competition.
Fan Laoshi(the teacher-in-charge =D) took photos of my progress. My work unlike most others, was shaded, not coloured and it turned out a neat piece of work.(I wish that I could upload the damn pictures here, but dang my phone doesn't have a cable.)
But I didnt win anything. But I was satisfied. I came for pleasure, not for the prize right?
The only thing I wasn't very happy about was that I could NOT claim my work back. Zzzz.....Right as I'm typing this now, I'm eating Del Monte Cranberries and previously a golden banana.
It turned out the teacher-in-charge played Worms! And he heard about Spore(the game),too. And many others =D
He knows about the classic weapon known as the HHG(Holy Hand Grenade) in Worms. Thats all.
I have to SMS him my blog address(cause he wants to see it.). Better be hush about it =)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
One week school holiday....
Mmmm....I'm happy this 1-week school holiday wasn't as boring as the one month school holiday 'bout very long ago. Theres four more days until school lessons resume as normal...and SA2 EXAMINATIONS OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG start on October.
BTW, Worms:Forts Under Siege is awesome....and worth buying(S$12.90,PC game)! Its wacky arsernal of weapons(Mortar;a wizard flys out of a cannon and detonates upon impact and releases 3 "magic" books that explode when it hits something....a useful weapon=D) and great gameplay is lovely. Have a happy holiday to all those out there~!
~Doomilliciously mysterious person
If you wanna know more about the game, heres a list of a few weapons:
Bazooka(A classic explosive weapon which detonates after a long period of time but still explodes upon impact. Slightly directed by the wind.)
Minigun(Awesomeness. On a tower, fire the Minigun at buildings and watch them crumble.)
Rocket Launcher(Wowzers! Pull off a chain of rockets at buildings=D)
Rhino(Sounds weird but its one of the most offensive weapons ingame. It can break through a normal tower and walls before exploding.)
Armageddon(Call upon teh POWER OF GOD to unleash a fiery barrage of meteors upon your poor enemy =P)
Monkey Troop(Monkeys run and explode everywhere. Horribly messy on worms.)
Thats it, find out the rest on yourself
BTW, Worms:Forts Under Siege is awesome....and worth buying(S$12.90,PC game)! Its wacky arsernal of weapons(Mortar;a wizard flys out of a cannon and detonates upon impact and releases 3 "magic" books that explode when it hits something....a useful weapon=D) and great gameplay is lovely. Have a happy holiday to all those out there~!
~Doomilliciously mysterious person
If you wanna know more about the game, heres a list of a few weapons:
Bazooka(A classic explosive weapon which detonates after a long period of time but still explodes upon impact. Slightly directed by the wind.)
Minigun(Awesomeness. On a tower, fire the Minigun at buildings and watch them crumble.)
Rocket Launcher(Wowzers! Pull off a chain of rockets at buildings=D)
Rhino(Sounds weird but its one of the most offensive weapons ingame. It can break through a normal tower and walls before exploding.)
Armageddon(Call upon teh POWER OF GOD to unleash a fiery barrage of meteors upon your poor enemy =P)
Monkey Troop(Monkeys run and explode everywhere. Horribly messy on worms.)
Thats it, find out the rest on yourself
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Part 2!!!!!
Chapter Two-No eating on taxis
After hailing the taxi, our destination was Causeway Point. The driver was this old man that frequently talked about school....wait what?
I was popping 2 Fruit Plus sweets into my mouth and Bryan was stuffing his mouth full of prawn crackers, then Ms lee told us that this isn't a place to eat snacks or tidbits.
Mission Impossible! I secretly opened one fruit plus and immediately popped it into my mouth and ms lee did not notice. Yippie w0000t!
Bryan popped one cracker into his face and laughed like hell without caps. I followed. He secretly popped another one but it dropped into his bag.He laughed again lol. During all this time, the teacher did not EVEN turn her back or notice anything. IMA SECRET AGENT!>=)
After reaching causeway point, i ate up all the sweets(Which makes me think, sugar and blackcurrant are worlds apart in difference. Because one tastes sweet, the other doesn't. Worst is sugar contains the white power of DREAMLAND and blackcurrant contains the evil power of BLACK ELECTRICITY) and Bryan hurriedly ate every single thing when we stopped in front of a place called pizza hut. We went in and finally.
I realized Bryan and me broke the record. Of laughing.
45 minutes,right? This time, it was ONE HOUR.
We ate this pizza(forget what was it) and I was basically Spiderman incarnate. I had mozzarella all over my hands like webs. I don't want to ever think about it again.
Then we went home.
~Doomilliciously mysterious person who lives in Singapore
On a side note: If you are from 5K of Si Ling Primary School, try not to tell anyone. Hush.=D
After hailing the taxi, our destination was Causeway Point. The driver was this old man that frequently talked about school....wait what?
I was popping 2 Fruit Plus sweets into my mouth and Bryan was stuffing his mouth full of prawn crackers, then Ms lee told us that this isn't a place to eat snacks or tidbits.
Mission Impossible! I secretly opened one fruit plus and immediately popped it into my mouth and ms lee did not notice. Yippie w0000t!
Bryan popped one cracker into his face and laughed like hell without caps. I followed. He secretly popped another one but it dropped into his bag.He laughed again lol. During all this time, the teacher did not EVEN turn her back or notice anything. IMA SECRET AGENT!>=)
After reaching causeway point, i ate up all the sweets(Which makes me think, sugar and blackcurrant are worlds apart in difference. Because one tastes sweet, the other doesn't. Worst is sugar contains the white power of DREAMLAND and blackcurrant contains the evil power of BLACK ELECTRICITY) and Bryan hurriedly ate every single thing when we stopped in front of a place called pizza hut. We went in and finally.
I realized Bryan and me broke the record. Of laughing.
45 minutes,right? This time, it was ONE HOUR.
We ate this pizza(forget what was it) and I was basically Spiderman incarnate. I had mozzarella all over my hands like webs. I don't want to ever think about it again.
Then we went home.
~Doomilliciously mysterious person who lives in Singapore
On a side note: If you are from 5K of Si Ling Primary School, try not to tell anyone. Hush.=D
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