Friday, February 13, 2009

(late)Happy Friday the 13th, or maybe not.Maybe unlucky.

Happy Friday the MUSHY 13th AND 14TH.To people around the world

To celebrate this:
1.please wear a hockey mask.
2.please rev up a chainsaw with a sash.
3.please carve out the inner flesh of a pumpkin and two horizontal triangles on the faces for eye holes.
4.please wear your Pumpkin Helmet Of PomPom
5.please go out there and chainsaw everyone you see in the stomach or chest or head.
6.please dance after step 5.
7.when your done,wear a shirt that says "SAY YES TO PEACE!YEAH YEAH YEAH!"
8.please repeat step 5 and 6.
9.the end.

for all you mushroom lovey-doveys:
1.please wear heart-shaped hairclips all over your hair.
2.please dress up in ninja/shinobi/warlord/musashi/samurai armor,paint a pink "13" on the shoulder plates for the festive season.
3.please buy a japanese katana and pour pink,luminiscent liquid all over it. You Have Created The Passionate Blade of Pink Samurais! a sheath for your PBOPS and sling it on your back.
5.make razor-sharp heart-shaped shurikens.
6.Now,the grand delight......Go out there and scream "HOO SHOOOOOO!!!!!!',doing jumping jacks and lopping people's heads off with your love shurikens.
7.Then you unsheath your sword of love and run around like a TRUE ninja cutting peoples throats and then dance like a sugarhigh person, screaming "WAAAAAHHHH CHAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!'.
8.Go home and listen to your favourite CD:Top 10 Most Dumb And Mushy Songs.EVA.
9.Repeat step 5 if you have run out of heart shurikens, and then proceed to execute step 6 and 7 until you have killed the entire world.
10.After you killed the entire world, kill yourself because this is the true value of Valentine's Day.
11.The End!

ORRR for all of you guys who think its still New Year
1.Wear red chinese qipao.
2.Decorate it with oily firecrackers.
3.Go buy a rapid-firing rocket launcher and do some chinese calligraphy on it.Name it the "Festive I-Am-Going-To-BOMB THE CRAP-Outta-You".
4.Replace the rockets with oil drenched,jumbo-sized firecrackers.
5.Oops totally forgot.Wear a lion head(the one for lion dances).
6.Go out there and scream"Xin Nian Dao!Happy New year by BOMBING THE CRAP OUTTA ALL OF YA :D".
7.Fire your festive firecrackers everywhere and expect people to cheer while you burst heads and blowing up corpses.
8.If no more ammo, drench yourself in oil and then juggle cigarette lighters(which are lighted already).Then wait until you eventually screw up and blow your body into bits(since firecrackers are all over your body).
9.If stil surviving please repeat step 6 if you still have the rocket launcher.



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